
Thanks for visiting my hunting, fishing and shooting blog. You might be wondering why I decided to work the term Lo-fi into the title of a blog that’s mostly about things that go bang and my usually futile attempts to turn wild fish and forest critters into delicious meals. After all, Lo-fi is a term to describe music, often of the loud, ragged, garage-rock variety. This is true, but Lo-fi is also a style, attitude, and philosophy that can be applied to more than just music.

A Lo-fi band will often make loud, unrefined, music, play inexpensive instruments, record their own work on the cheap using stuff bought at a yard sale, and have a grand old time doing it. Similarly, the Lo-fi outdoorsman will often have to set afield with inexpensive and second hand guns and gear, find free places nearby to hunt and fish (as opposed to paying for guided hunts in exotic locations), will likely have an odd or unique approach to his or her pursuits, and will have to make-do and improvise constantly. Just like a Lo-fi band has to figure out how to crank out the rock ‘n’ roll on $100 guitars and a four-track recorder from 1973, the Lo-fi outdoorsman often has to make a good day afield with a beat up old shotgun or fishing rod and $20 for gas.

My hope is that this blog will appeal to those of you who, like me, love the whole hunting, fishing, and shooting thing, have almost no budget for it all, and prefer the DIY approach.
Now that my preachy introduction is out of the way, here’s some of what you’ll find on this blog.

·         Non-scientific ballistics tests: An odd hobby of mine is firing bullets and shot into soft test media (gel, wax, clay, etc.) and seeing what happens. My tests aren’t on par with what a research lab can do, but the resulting write-ups and pics are usually pretty cool.

·         Product tests: When I can afford a new toy (say a new shotgun or ice auger) I’ll try it out and give an unbiased review. The focus will be on the kind of stuff us broke folk can afford.

·         How-to articles: At least on the rare occasions I figure out how to complete a task without it all going tragically and expensively awry.

·         Chronicles of my outdoor (mis) adventures: True, most of them end in failure, but failure is usually a far more interesting read than success.  

·         Press releases: Yeah, they’re filler, but who doesn’t like to know about new hunting and fishing stuff hitting the market?

·         Anything else I think is cool: It could be a post on a band I like, an article on self-sufficiency, boat building, or wild game recipes. Variety is always good.